The pre-eminent Catholic Laymen's Organization that supports the work of the church and local parish.
Suffield Council # 6281
Ed McAnaneny, Grand Knight
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Important Upcoming Dates & Knights News:
- The Connecticut (Hartford) March for Life will be held on Wednesday, March 19, 2025. The rally is scheduled for 12:00 noon at the Capitol, with the march to follow beginning at 1:00 p.m. Various local Knights of Columbus councils are sponsoring bus trips to the March, with the closest one being Enfield. For information on attending by personal car or for anyone wishing to register for one of the sponsored busses, please consult the following website
- Spring clean-up at Saint Joseph Cemetery, Hill Street has been scheduled for Saturday, March 29th at 9:00 a.m. (rain date April 5, 2025). Please have all personal items cleared from the cemetery grounds prior to this date. Suffield Council # 6281 members wishing to help on this day are welcome.
- Suffield Council # 6281 will again be sponsoring holiday Fruit Baskets for our fellow parishioners who are homebound. If interested in helping to prepare the baskets on April 11th at 5:00 p.m. or subsequently assist in the home delivery of the baskets, please contact Craig Tini at 860.888.6697.
- Suffield Council # 6281 will host an Easter Egg Hunt for our youngsters on the Sacred Heart Parish church grounds. Please plan to join in the fun scheduled for Saturday, April 19th at 11:00 a.m.